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11.01.2023 - BGV A3 testing in Hamburg

Better safe than sorry!

What is BGV A3

The BGVA3 test is the recognised, prescribed and standardised test of electrical equipment.
We test your welding equipment according to the latest BGV A3 IEC / DIN EN 60974-4 regulations, which also supersede the draft VDE 0544-207.
During the BGV A3 check, we check whether your portable devices and systems are in proper condition in accordance with the applicable provisions of the VDE, the Employer's Liability Insurance Association and the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health.
The regular inspection of all electrical devices in companies according to BGV A3 (previously VBG4 or BGV A2) has been mandatory since 01.04.1979.
Failure to comply with the inspection is punishable by a fine!
Basically, all electrically operated devices that are not permanently connected to the mains but are connected to a socket by means of a plug device or have a flexible connection cable must be inspected.
The test criteria are regulated by DIN VDE.
The condition of the electrical devices is confirmed by our employees with a court-proof test report.

Liability without BGV A3 testing

As the operator of electrical systems, you must prove the perfect condition of the electrical systems and devices in accordance with VDE to the insurer and the employers' liability insurance association in the event of damage.
By regularly inspecting electrical equipment in accordance with BGV A3, you protect yourself from liability in the event of accidents and economic damage if people are permanently injured or even killed by an untested device.
If damage occurs due to a device that has not been properly tested, the respective responsible persons (e.g. safety officers, supervisors, management) will be held liable and taken to court.
Fire protection insurances exclude liability if your premises or individual areas thereof are destroyed by a fire that was demonstrably caused by an electrical appliance that was not tested!
Furthermore, violations of such accident prevention regulations can be punished with fines.
Written proof of testing in accordance with BGV A3 releases you from liability.
Have your equipment inspected by us in accordance with BGV A3 in order to avoid cases of damage.

Advantages of a test

Regular safety inspections of equipment help the employer to fulfil the protection obligations towards his employees arising from occupational health and safety.
This applies to electrical equipment according to BGV A3 as well as to other work equipment, such as in the context of UV inspections.

Regular maintenance helps you to prevent accidents to your employees.
You protect your company from unnecessary downtime of machines and drives.
In the event of damage, you can prove the correct condition of systems and equipment to insurance companies or the employers' liability insurance association and thus avoid liability exclusions.
You save energy costs with electricity.
With many insurers, you achieve premium advantages and thus cost savings.
You motivate your employees through exemplary occupational safety...
You avoid fines resulting from violations of accident prevention regulations.
Electrical installations and equipment are kept in proper condition.

You can get more information from our service team by calling 040-8326600 or sending an email to

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